Concurso de Post Doctorado: Se extiende el plazo de postulación


    Hasta el 16 de enero de 2015 se extendió el plazo de postulación para el cargo de Post Doctorante del (CR)2.

    Five (5) Post doctoral fellowships at the Center for Climate and Resilience Research in Chile

    The Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 funded by the Chilean Commission for Science and Technology (CONICYT) aims at becoming a world-class research center focusing on Earth System Science, which in an interdisciplinary manner and in close relation to stakeholders, improves our understanding of the Earth System and is functional to the enhancement of societal resilience in Chile. We convene a substantial fraction of researchers dealing Climate issues in Chile, and in a partnership involving Universidad de Chile, Universidad de Concepción and Universidad Austral de Chile.

    (CR)2 tackles highly relevant questions in biogeochemistry, climate dynamics, ecosystem services, human dimensions and modeling and observing systems. This research has an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to address the following pressing issues for Chile: scarcity and variability of water resources in Central and Northern Chile, growing urbanization in Central and Southern Chile, and fast land use changes in Central and Southern Chile.We hereby invite applications for two-years post-doctoral fellowships, beginning in early 2015 (~March), in the following themes:

    1.  Theme
    Regional climate forcing by aerosols over and downwind Santiago (33.5S, 70.5W, 500 m.a.s.l.), with emphasis on absorbing aerosols, using a combined modeling and observational approach.

    Contact and host
    This work will be guided by Dr. Laura Gallardo (, and co-guided by Dr. Nicolás Huneeus (, and hosted at the Department of Geophysics, University of Chile in Santiago (

    Applicants must hold a PhD in Atmospheric Science or in a related field preferably obtained in the last 3 years.

    2.  Theme
    Ecosystem Services (ES) / Ecological Restoration (RE), especially water provision and carbon sequestration from forested ecosystems and the vulnerability of these ecosystems and services to climate change or fire; restoration ecology for the recovery of ecosystem services and biodiversity.

    Contact and host
    This work will be guided by Dr. Antonio Lara (, and hosted at Universidad Austral de Chile in Valdivia.

    Applicants must hold a PhD in Forest Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geography or in a related field preferably obtained in the last 3 years.

    3.  Theme
    Addressing the impact of past, present and future drought conditions in water resources in central Chile. Of special relevance is the estimation of how much the precipitation deficit and temperature increase translate in changes in streamflow across a variety of geographical, environmental and physiographic conditions. This task may require observationnal analysis and hydrological modeling.

    Contact and host
    This work will be guided by Dr. René Garreaud (, and hosted at Department of Geophysics, University of Chile in Santiago (

    Applicants must hold a PhD in hydrology, atmospheric sciences or in a related field preferably obtained in the last 3 years.

    4.  Theme
    Assessing air-sea interaction processes along the Chilean coast based on measurements and observations, with emphasis on biogeochemical cycles and climate change impacts on ocean and other aquatic systems.

    Contact and host
    This work will be guided by Laura Farías (, and hosted at Universidad de Concepción in Concepción.

    Applicants must hold a PhD in Oceanography or in a related field preferably obtained in the last 3 years.

    5.  Theme
    Land use and land use change in the context of adaptation to climate change, perspectives from law and/or society.

    Contact and host
    This work will be guided by Dr. Pilar Moraga (, and hosted at the Faculty of Law, Universidad de Chile in Santiago.

    Applicants must hold a PhD in Law, Sociology or in a related field preferably obtained in the last 3 years



    For further information please contact the corresponding contact and visit . Interested applicants should send their CV, and a brief research proposal (up to 5 pages), including potential publications, as well as intended contributions to (CR)2 activities.
    Salary is assigned according to CONICYT standards, which corresponds roughly to 2.5 times the Chilean per capita average income. For applicants living outside Chile, we will pay an economy class air ticket from their current residency.
    Please submit your application to Prof. Laura Gallardo (, Center’s Director, before December 30 2014. Send these documents via e-mail with the subject «POST DOC CR2 2015», The decision will be communicated in mid-January 2015.


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    Cost of Living in Chile

    Obtaining a Chilean VISA

    Earth Works -job