Call for Applications for Postdoctoral Research Positions


    The Center for Climate and Resilience Research CR2, (, is a Chilean center of excellence created in 2013 with funding from the Priority Areas Program (FONDAP) of Chile’s National Agency for Research and Development (ANID). CR2 is the point of convergence of researchers from different disciplines of the natural and social sciences addressing the understanding of the Earth System in a changing climate and how climate change impacts ecosystems and Chilean society.

    As part of its research activities, CR2 is looking for two Postdoctoral fellows who have demonstrated experience in Climate and Resilience research in one or more of the following areas: climate extremes, coastal processes, cities as complex systems, land-use change, and governance and science-policy interface. We also encourage the application of candidates with strong experience in interdisciplinary research in the broad area of carbon neutrality.

    Assessment criteria

    The candidates should demonstrate strong interests and skills in performing research in Climate and Resilience and promoting interdisciplinary approaches. Applicants may come from a wide range of backgrounds including natural, social and computer sciences, as well as engineering and mathematics. Additional factors that will favourably influence selection include:

    • A proven ability to work in a research team with a range of scientific disciplines.
    • Capability to interact with the international science community.
    • Strong verbal and written communication skills in English or Spanish.
    • Experience of publishing in peer-review journals.

    Terms of employment

    The position involves full-time employment for a maximum of two years.

    The position will be based at Universidad de Chile in Santiago (, or depending on the research topic, at one of the CR2 associated universities: Universidad de Concepción in Concepción ( and Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia (

    The salary will be $2.150.000 Chilean pesos (CLP) per month (without taxes, approximately 2,520 USD per month). Interested applicants should send their CV, two letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose and research plan, by October 10th 2023, 11 pm (Chilean local time). We expect to communicate the decision by November 2023 and the selected candidates are expected to start during January 2024.

    Applications must be sent to

    Rene Garreaud ( and Pilar Moraga (
    Center for Climate and Resilience Research CR2.
    Blanco Encalada 2002, piso 4, DGF, FCFM
    Universidad de Chile
    Santiago, Chile

    → Call for Applications for Postdoctoral Research Positions (PDF File)