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The Anthropocene in Chile:

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evidence and ways forward

The Anthropocene in Chile: evidence and ways forward

In the 21st century, Chile’s development is at stake because of the threats posed by the Anthropocene. This epoch is characterized by human influence on the Earth System. However, if faced boldly, it off ers an opportunity for a sustainable development. Regardless of whether we have entered a new geological era, the Anthropocene questions our way of living on the solar system’s blue planet. Or, in other words, the way to understand progress and development. In a country with high social inequalities, highly vulnerable to global change, meeting this challenge is of crucial importance and can offer new opportunities.

At the Center for Climate and Resilience Research CR(2), we decided to use the framework of the Anthropocene to develop our integrative research efforts. Thus, we have studied some of the regional manifestations of this new era in Chile, in order to contribute to identifying paths towards a greater resilience.

Anthropocene in Chile:
evidence and ways forward

Antropoceno en Chile:
evidencias y formas de avanzar

Gallardo, L., Rudnick, A., Barraza, J., Fleming, Z., Rojas, M., Gayó, E.M., Aguirre, C., Farías, L., Boisier, J.P., Garreaud, R., Barría, P., Miranda, A., Lara, A., Gómez-González,S., Arriagada, R.A. (2019). The Anthropocene in Chile: evidence and ways forward. Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2, (ANID/FONDAP/15110009), 40 pp. Available in https://www.cr2.cl/antropoceno

Anthropocene report in Mapudungun and Rapa nui languages

In a country with great social inequalities and highly vulnerable to global change, facing the challenges imposed by the Anthropocene has a crucial importance and can offer new opportunities for sustainable development.

Aware of the need to have the voices of everyone to face the Anthropocene, we present this report in, at least, the Mapudungun and Rapa Nui languages, in order to address the challenges of this new era from all knowledge and diversity of our territory.

Anxopozeno Cile mew:
Ta iñ inazuamfiel ka cumgeci amulerpuael

He Antropoceno i a Tire:
he mata ꞌite he haka pūai
(Rapa nui)