Carbon neutrality

The objective of this cross-cutting theme is to analyze public policies related to carbon neutrality, the methodologies for measuring CO2 emissions and captures, and to discuss proposals for just climate action.

The cross-cutting theme on carbon neutrality proposes a review of the progress in the field with the aim of conducting a critical analysis of the strategies and public policies related to carbon neutrality, the methodologies for measuring CO2 emissions and captures, and to discuss proposals for just climate action. It is based on the understanding that carbon neutrality is a political goal applied to different territorial scales, whose definition and verification are based on scientific and technical foundations.

The interdisciplinary work focuses on three main questions: What are the links between climate change and carbon neutrality? How do we communicate the uncertainty associated with its estimation? And what proposals for transformation and improvement can the CR2 generate to guide decision-making processes in this area? Through the Report to the Nations on carbon neutrality, the CR2 hopes to contribute to the critical analysis regarding the implications of carbon neutrality and the commitments assumed by Chile.

The development of the research and the preparation of the Report to the Nations are proposed as a collaborative and co-construction work of understanding bases with the participation of key actors from other institutions. According to the collectively constructed bases, dialogue processes will be carried out with internal and external actors of the CR2 to share and evaluate intermediate results and discuss them from multiple perspectives.

Lead researchers

Gabriela Azócar

Cecilia Ibarra

Mauricio Galleguillos

Noticias relacionadas al tema

Informe a las Naciones

El 23 de noviembre de 2023 se realizó el lanzamiento del Informe a las Naciones, Seguridad hídrica en Chile: Caracterización y perspectivas de futuro en el Salón Gorbea de la FCFM, Universidad de Chile.

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