Policy brief | What Is Chile’s Long-Term Climate Strategy?

Pilar Moraga, Deputy Director of the Center of Environmental Law of the School of Law of Universidad de Chile and Principal Researcher of the...

Policy Brief | What Was Discussed During the General Discussion of the Climate Change...

Pilar Moraga, Principal Researcher of (CR)2 and Deputy Director of the Center of Environmental Law of the School of Law of Universidad de Chile;...

Policy brief | Water availability in the Cauquenes river basin facing climate change and...

Lower rainfall and an increase in temperature would generate a 32.1% decrease in the flow of the Cauquenes river basin for the period...

Policy brief | Climate change in Chile: the need to diversify nature-based solutions

The national strategy to address climate change relies on land use, land-use change, and forestry to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Scientific evidence has...

Policy brief | Energy Poverty and the Climate Change Framework Law

Montserrat Castro, Nucleus of Transdisciplinary Systemic Studies (Nest), Universidad de Chile; Catalina Amigo, PhD student at the Center for Climate and Resilience Science (CR)2,...

Policy brief CR2 | Effects of Native Forest Cover Loss from Forestry Activity and...

By Alejandro Miranda, Department of Forest Sciences, University of La Frontera and CR2 Associate Researcher; Jorge Hoyos-Santillan, Associate Researcher Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and...

Policy brief | An Approach to Updating the Chilean NDC from the Perspective of...

Isaías Urzúa, lawyer. Research Assistant at the Center for Environmental Law of Universidad de Chile. At the beginning of 2020, the Chilean government presented an...

Policy Brief CR2 | Construction of Route T-720 and its Impact on the Alerce...

By Rocío Urrutia, academic at the University of Aysén and researcher at CR2, and Alejandro Miranda, researcher at the Department of Forestry Sciences at...

Policy brief CR2 | Drought Indices for Monitoring Water Deficits in Chilean River Flows

Oscar M. Baez-Villanueva, Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini, associate researcher CR2; Diego G. Miralles, Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL), Ghent...

Policy brief | Cities’ Time to Shine in Climate Change Governance

Xira Ruiz Campillo, International Relations and Global History Department, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Cities have become an indispensable actor in the fight against climate change...

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