Policy brief | Legal Reforms for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050

Pilar Moraga, Principal Researcher of the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2, Dominique Hervé, Research Associate of the Center for Climate and Resilience...

Policy brief | Environmental injustice and sacrifice zones: The Puchuncaví case

The socio-environmental history of Puchuncaví, a renowned sacrifice zone located in the Valparaíso Region, Chile, has been reconstructed for the last 136 years. ...

Policy Brief | Comments on the Climate Change Framework Bill (2nd part)

Pilar Moraga, Deputy Director of the Center of Environmental Law of the School of Law of Universidad de Chile and Principal Researcher of the...

Policy brief | Climate Change and Coronavirus Recovery Plans

Ryan Mitchell, MA Student at Clark University, International Development and Social Change. Internship at Climate Change Law Observatory - (CR)2. The coronavirus pandemic has brought...

Policy Brief | Change in Chile’s fire regime

The occurrence of extremely destructive, hard-to-control fires – called megafires - has increased in south-central Chile since 2010, causing serious social, economic, and environmental...

Policy brief CR2 | Effects of Native Forest Cover Loss from Forestry Activity and...

By Alejandro Miranda, Department of Forest Sciences, University of La Frontera and CR2 Associate Researcher; Jorge Hoyos-Santillan, Associate Researcher Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and...

Policy Brief | What Was Discussed During the General Discussion of the Climate Change...

Pilar Moraga, Principal Researcher of (CR)2 and Deputy Director of the Center of Environmental Law of the School of Law of Universidad de Chile;...

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