Policy brief CR2 | Effects of Native Forest Cover Loss from Forestry Activity and...

By Alejandro Miranda, Department of Forest Sciences, University of La Frontera and CR2 Associate Researcher; Jorge Hoyos-Santillan, Associate Researcher Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and...

Water Crisis in Chile: Are We Close to Day Zero?

The water crisis in the central and southern basins of Chile over the past decade has been mainly caused by mega-drought and climate...

Analysis CR2 | Extreme Heat in Sight? Heat Waves, Wildfires, and Red Tide

Martín Jacques Coper, Principal Researcher of the Center for Climate Science and Resilience CR2, and Christian Segura, CR2 Data Analyst Recent research has identified...

Analysis CR2 | Effectiveness of Cloud Seeding

Roberto Rondanelli, Associate Researcher at the Center for Climate Science and Resilience CR2, and Academic from the Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Physical and...

Policy brief CR2 | Rural Women and Water Management: Towards Gender-Responsive Water Security in...

Macarena Salinas, Training Coordinator at CR2; Isaura Becker, Ph.D. Candidate in Social Sciences at the University of Tarapacá; María Christina Fragkou, Adjunct Researcher at...

CR2 Analysis | COP28 in Dubai: A Glimmer of Hope or Half-Baked Progress?

By Fabrice Lambert, CR2 Associate Researcher The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) concluded in Dubai...

CR2 News Report | Heatwaves and Extreme Roulette. What Does the Summer of 2024...

A study has concluded that heatwaves have increased throughout the country over the past four decades, primarily in the valleys of the central-southern...

Policy brief CR2 | The Challenges of Air Pollution in the Quintero-Puchuncaví Bay

By Rodrigo Seguel, Researcher at the Center for Climate Science and Resilience (CR2) Since 1955, various productive activities have been concentrated in the Quintero-Puchuncaví...

Race to Resilience Technical Secretariat 2022 Report

This document presents the work develped by the Technical Secretariat for the Race to Resilience Campaign during the year 2022. Race to Resilience is a...

Analysis | Fires in a changing climate

By René Garreaud, (CR)2 director and DGF-U.Chile professor; Martín Jacques, (CR)2 researcher and DGEO-UdeC professor; and Aníbal Pauchard, IEB researcher and Forestry-UdeC professor. The summers...

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