Analysis | Regulation of volatile organic compounds: a systemic look

By Rodrigo Seguel, full-time researcher at Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2. Thousands of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) coexist in the atmosphere due to...

Analysis | What are peatlands and how do they help us to reduce the...

By Jorge Hoyos-Santillán, postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 Peatlands, as we can appreciate in image 1, are a type...

Analysis | The Pacific Ocean’s “hot blob” and heatwaves in Chile

René Garreaud, Deputy Director, Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 ; and Martín Jacques, principal investigator, Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 The “hot...

Analysis | The Chilean Altiplano: When it rains, it pours

René Garreaud, Deputy Director, Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 A large part of the Chilean Altiplano (the mountainous zone in the Chilean regions...

Analysis | A ‘recado’ for CORFO and the Chilean Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge...

By Cecilia Ibarra, associate researcher at the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 Climate action as a guiding mission for STI policy A mission-oriented public...

Analysis | Ventilation of closed spaces: a measure against COVID-19

By Macarena Valdés, postdoctoral researcher at (CR)2 and assistant professor of the Epidemiology Program of the School of Public Health of Universidad de Chile,...

CR2 Analysis | COP28 in Dubai: A Glimmer of Hope or Half-Baked Progress?

By Fabrice Lambert, CR2 Associate Researcher The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) concluded in Dubai...

Analysis | Towards a better forecast of heat waves in the Chilean south-central zone

Never and nowhere do heat waves (HW) go unnoticed. That is particularly true during the summer in the south-central zone of Chile, which extends...

Analysis | Extreme weather: One of the factors behind the February 2023 fires in...

By Martín Jacques Coper, (CR)2 principal investigator; René Garreaud, (CR)2 director; and Roberto Rondanelli, (CR)2 associate researcher. During the first week of February 2023, we...

Analysis | The crucial role of satellite products in observing the Earth from space...

By Deniz Bozkurt, associate researcher (CR)2, and Roberto Rondanelli, associate researcher (CR)2 and academic DGF-FCFM Universidad de Chile. Observation of Earth processes is vital to...

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