Analysis | We must pay attention to the voice of experience: What does the...

By Fabrice Lambert, associate researcher at the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2. Academic at the Institute of Geography of the Pontificia Universidad...

Bulletin Nº1 Chile’s New Constitution and Climate Change | The Climate Emergency

Authors: Pilar Moraga, Andrea Rudnick, Maisa Rojas, Anahí Urquiza, and Laura Gallardo | Editorial Leadership: Dominique Hervé and Pilar Moraga | Editorial Team: Roxana Bórquez and José Barraza. ...

Policy brief | Climate change in Chile: the need to diversify nature-based solutions

The national strategy to address climate change relies on land use, land-use change, and forestry to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Scientific evidence has...

Analysis | Regulation of volatile organic compounds: a systemic look

By Rodrigo Seguel, full-time researcher at Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2. Thousands of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) coexist in the atmosphere due to...

Policy brief | How do we connect some of the legal principles of environmental...

Jorge Femenías, Doctor of Law from the Universidad de Valladolid and Doctor of Law from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Professor of Environmental Law and...

Policy brief | Water availability in the Cauquenes river basin facing climate change and...

Lower rainfall and an increase in temperature would generate a 32.1% decrease in the flow of the Cauquenes river basin for the period...

Analysis | The crucial role of satellite products in observing the Earth from space...

By Deniz Bozkurt, associate researcher at (CR)2, and Roberto Rondanelli, associate researcher at (CR)2 and academic DGF-FCFM Universidad de Chile In the first part of...

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