Policy brief | An Approach to Updating the Chilean NDC from the Perspective of...

Isaías Urzúa, lawyer. Research Assistant at the Center for Environmental Law of Universidad de Chile. At the beginning of 2020, the Chilean government presented an...

Analysis | Fires in a changing climate

By René Garreaud, (CR)2 director and DGF-U.Chile professor; Martín Jacques, (CR)2 researcher and DGEO-UdeC professor; and Aníbal Pauchard, IEB researcher and Forestry-UdeC professor. The summers...

Policy brief | Legal Reforms for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050

Pilar Moraga, Principal Researcher of the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2, Dominique Hervé, Research Associate of the Center for Climate and Resilience...

Policy Brief | Climate Change Framework Bill and the Precautionary Principle: A Weak Formulation...

Verónica Delgado Schneider, Professor of Environmental Law, Universidad de Concepción. The discussion of the Climate Change Framework Bill in the Senate Committee on Environment and...

Transformation from science to decision-making

The IPCC understands Transformations as systemic changes that enable more ambitious, i.e., significant and rapid, advances in mitigation and adaptation than currently being observed,...

Policy brief | Climate change in Chile: the need to diversify nature-based solutions

The national strategy to address climate change relies on land use, land-use change, and forestry to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Scientific evidence has...

Analysis | Is the megadrought over? Not yet, but we’ve managed to get past...

By: Rene Garreaud. Edited by: Nicole Tondreau We’re entering the last month of winter in central Chile, and it has felt particularly “wintry” to many...

Policy Brief | Comments on the Report of Legal Reforms for Achieving Carbon Neutrality...

Setting a National Target for CO2 and Short-lived Pollutants by Declaring a Saturated Zone By Marcelo Mena, Former Minister of the Environment and Director of...

Policy brief | Identifying the urban-rural interface in Chile: conditions that determine the highest...

Delimiting the rural-urban interface areas of Chile and defining those that have a higher risk of fires will allow efficient targeting of management...

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