Analysis | Ozone, a greenhouse gas that deserves more attention in the face of...

Rodrigo Seguel, Resilient Cities investigator, Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 ; and Laura Gallardo, principal investigator, Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2...

Special Bulletin No. 1 | Climate change and new Constitution

Authors : Billi, M., Moraga, P., Bórquez, R., Azócar, G., Cordero, L., Ibarra, C., Maillet, A., Martínez, F., O’Ryan, R., Pulgar, A., Rojas, M.,...

Transformation from science to decision-making

The IPCC understands Transformations as systemic changes that enable more ambitious, i.e., significant and rapid, advances in mitigation and adaptation than currently being observed,...

Analysis | The Chilean Altiplano: When it rains, it pours

René Garreaud, Deputy Director, Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 A large part of the Chilean Altiplano (the mountainous zone in the Chilean regions...

Policy brief | Water availability in the Cauquenes river basin facing climate change and...

Lower rainfall and an increase in temperature would generate a 32.1% decrease in the flow of the Cauquenes river basin for the period...

Analysis | The Pacific Ocean’s “hot blob” and heatwaves in Chile

René Garreaud, Deputy Director, Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 ; and Martín Jacques, principal investigator, Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 The “hot...

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