Analysis | Is the megadrought over? Not yet, but we’ve managed to get past...

By: Rene Garreaud. Edited by: Nicole Tondreau We’re entering the last month of winter in central Chile, and it has felt particularly “wintry” to many...

Analysis | Fires in a changing climate

By René Garreaud, (CR)2 director and DGF-U.Chile professor; Martín Jacques, (CR)2 researcher and DGEO-UdeC professor; and Aníbal Pauchard, IEB researcher and Forestry-UdeC professor. The summers...

Analysis | Regulation of volatile organic compounds: a systemic look

By Rodrigo Seguel, full-time researcher at Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2. Thousands of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) coexist in the atmosphere due to...

Handbook of Interdisciplinarity | (CR)2

Since its creation in 2013, the Center for Climate Science and Resilience (CR)2 has made major strides in fostering interdisciplinary research, at the structural,...

Analysis | What are peatlands and how do they help us to reduce the...

By Jorge Hoyos-Santillán, postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 Peatlands, as we can appreciate in image 1, are a type...

Policy Brief | Comments on the Climate Change Framework Bill (1st part)

Introduction While the Paris Agreement sets the goal of keeping a global temperature rise below 2 °C (and attempting to limit the increase even further...

Policy brief | Legal Reforms for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050

Pilar Moraga, Principal Researcher of the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2, Dominique Hervé, Research Associate of the Center for Climate and Resilience...

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