Policy brief | How do we connect some of the legal principles of environmental...

Jorge Femenías, Doctor of Law from the Universidad de Valladolid and Doctor of Law from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Professor of Environmental Law and...

Policy Brief | Water crisis in the Petorca basin: a combination of water management...

The water shortage in Petorca cannot be explained solely by the megadrought that has affected central Chile over the last decade. Water management, extraction,...

Policy brief | Cities’ Time to Shine in Climate Change Governance

Xira Ruiz Campillo, International Relations and Global History Department, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Cities have become an indispensable actor in the fight against climate change...

Policy brief | An Approach to Updating the Chilean NDC from the Perspective of...

Isaías Urzúa, lawyer. Research Assistant at the Center for Environmental Law of Universidad de Chile. At the beginning of 2020, the Chilean government presented an...

Race to Resilience Technical Secretariat 2022 Report

This document presents the work develped by the Technical Secretariat for the Race to Resilience Campaign during the year 2022. Race to Resilience is a...

Analysis | The Pacific Ocean’s “hot blob” and heatwaves in Chile

René Garreaud, Deputy Director, Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 ; and Martín Jacques, principal investigator, Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2 The “hot...

Policy Brief | Comments on the Climate Change Framework Bill (1st part)

Introduction While the Paris Agreement sets the goal of keeping a global temperature rise below 2 °C (and attempting to limit the increase even further...

Analysis | Ventilation of closed spaces: a measure against COVID-19

By Macarena Valdés, postdoctoral researcher at (CR)2 and assistant professor of the Epidemiology Program of the School of Public Health of Universidad de Chile,...

Analysis | Forest fire risk: Associated factors

By Gabriela Azócar, (CR)2 associate researcher; Marco Billi, (CR)2 postdoctoral researcher; and Claudia Alonso, (CR)2 research assistant. Acknowledgments: Antonia Carrasco, Daniela Loyola, Romina Duarte The magnitude...

Special Bulletin No. 1 | Climate change and new Constitution

Authors : Billi, M., Moraga, P., Bórquez, R., Azócar, G., Cordero, L., Ibarra, C., Maillet, A., Martínez, F., O’Ryan, R., Pulgar, A., Rojas, M.,...

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