Policy brief | An Approach to Updating the Chilean NDC from the Perspective of...

Isaías Urzúa, lawyer. Research Assistant at the Center for Environmental Law of Universidad de Chile. At the beginning of 2020, the Chilean government presented an...

Policy Brief | What Was Discussed During the General Discussion of the Climate Change...

Pilar Moraga, Principal Researcher of (CR)2 and Deputy Director of the Center of Environmental Law of the School of Law of Universidad de Chile;...

Policy brief | Climate Change and Coronavirus Recovery Plans

Ryan Mitchell, MA Student at Clark University, International Development and Social Change. Internship at Climate Change Law Observatory - (CR)2. The coronavirus pandemic has brought...

Policy brief | Energy Poverty and the Climate Change Framework Law

Montserrat Castro, Nucleus of Transdisciplinary Systemic Studies (Nest), Universidad de Chile; Catalina Amigo, PhD student at the Center for Climate and Resilience Science (CR)2,...

Policy Brief | Climate Change Framework Bill and the Precautionary Principle: A Weak Formulation...

Verónica Delgado Schneider, Professor of Environmental Law, Universidad de Concepción. The discussion of the Climate Change Framework Bill in the Senate Committee on Environment and...

Policy Brief: Citizen Participation in the Climate Change Framework Bill

Montserrat Madariaga Gómez de Cuenca, lawyer and researcher at the Center for the Law of the Sea at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Citizen participation:...

Policy brief | What Is Chile’s Long-Term Climate Strategy?

Pilar Moraga, Deputy Director of the Center of Environmental Law of the School of Law of Universidad de Chile and Principal Researcher of the...

Policy Brief | Comments on the Report of Legal Reforms for Achieving Carbon Neutrality...

Setting a National Target for CO2 and Short-lived Pollutants by Declaring a Saturated Zone By Marcelo Mena, Former Minister of the Environment and Director of...

Policy Brief | Water crisis in the Petorca basin: a combination of water management...

The water shortage in Petorca cannot be explained solely by the megadrought that has affected central Chile over the last decade. Water management, extraction,...

Policy brief | Legal Reforms for Achieving Carbon Neutrality by 2050

Pilar Moraga, Principal Researcher of the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2, Dominique Hervé, Research Associate of the Center for Climate and Resilience...

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