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Water and extremes

Fires Blaze Through South-Central Chile (NASA Earth Observatory)

toked by a summer heat wave and strong winds, widespread fires have been raging through south-central Chile since February 2, 2023. Over the course...

Policy brief CR2 | Drought Indices for Monitoring Water Deficits in Chilean River Flows

Oscar M. Baez-Villanueva, Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL), Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium; Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini, associate researcher CR2; Diego G. Miralles, Hydro-Climate Extremes Lab (H-CEL), Ghent...

Policy brief CR2 | Rural Women and Water Management: Towards Gender-Responsive Water Security in...

Macarena Salinas, Training Coordinator at CR2; Isaura Becker, Ph.D. Candidate in Social Sciences at the University of Tarapacá; María Christina Fragkou, Adjunct Researcher at...

Water Crisis in Chile: Are We Close to Day Zero?

The water crisis in the central and southern basins of Chile over the past decade has been mainly caused by mega-drought and climate...

Wildfires burning in Chile are among the deadliest in country’s record (New Scientist)

Fires in central and southern Chile, exacerbated by extreme temperatures and megadrought, have led to at least 26 deaths and burned more than 2700...

Dual Storms in the Andes Mountains (Nasa Earth Observatory)

NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using MODIS data from NASA EOSDIS LANCE and GIBS/Worldview. Story by Kathryn Hansen. With winter looming in South...

Dying crops, spiking energy bills, showers once a week. In South America, the climate...

By Diego Laje, Anthony Faiola and Ana Vanessa Herrero   BUENOS AIRES — Sergio Koci’s sunflower farm in the lowlands of northern Argentina has survived decades...

CR2 Researchers Presented Report on Water Security at the Ministry of Public Works

The coordinators of the Seventh Report to the Nations presented the study's primary findings and future projections regarding water availability in Chile. CR2 researchers Camila...

Chilean Volcano Low on Snow (Nasa Earth Observatory)

Pucón, Chile, is a popular summertime destination tucked between a glacier-carved lake and snow-capped volcano. Visible from nearly anywhere in the town, the stark-white...

CR2 News Report | Heatwaves and Extreme Roulette. What Does the Summer of 2024...

A study has concluded that heatwaves have increased throughout the country over the past four decades, primarily in the valleys of the central-southern...

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