CR2 Projects

CR2 Projects

To contribute to the country’s and Latin America’s transition towards low-carbon development, the Center for Climate and Resilience Science CR2 implements various initiatives in collaboration with other scientific institutions, as well as with public and private actors and international cooperation organizations, to build a more climate-resilient society.


Program for strengthening regional and local capacities for implementing the Framework Law on Climate Change
Principal Investigator: Pilar Moraga
Project Year: 2023 – 2024
Funded by: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

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The project seeks to generate labor capacities and competencies in individuals and organizations to advance toward carbon neutrality and increase resilience to the effects of climate change.

More details about this project are here.

Bridging the Water Adaptation and Governance Gap in Valparaíso (Aconcagua). Promoting adaptation and governance in watersheds in the face of climate change.
Principal Investigators: Marco Billi, Roxana Bórquez
Project Year: 2022 – 2027
Funded by: SSHRC N° 895-2022-1016, Fondecyt N° 32204447 and CR2 fondap 15110009

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An inter- and transdisciplinary research initiative that seeks to develop participatory strategies for adaptation and governance.

Check out the project website here (In spanish)

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Support Program for Water User Organizations | L1 “Training Course for Female Directors of Water User Organizations with a Gender Focus”
Principal Investigator: Anahí Urquiza
Project Year: 2023 – 2024
Funded by: General Water Directorate (DGA)

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The General Water Directorate (DGA), through the User Organizations Department (DOU), and the University of Chile, developed an agreement called the “User Organizations (OU) Support Program”. This was carried out in collaboration with the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the same university through the Territorial Analysis Laboratory.

Various lines of work were carried out within the framework of this agreement. One of them was L1, “Training Course for Women Directors of User Organizations with a Gender Perspective,” which aims to provide theoretical and methodological tools in water governance, gender perspective, and organizational functioning, considering the challenges of women’s participation in the decision-making processes of boards of directors.

Check out more details of this project here (In spanish)

Race to Resilience – Stage 1
Principal Investigator: Marco Billi
Project Year: 2021 – 2024
Funded by: Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc.

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In 2021, the CR2 assumed the technical secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change campaign, which seeks to promote climate resilience worldwide. The work consists of coordinating the evaluation of initiatives that join the Race to Resilience and creating metrics for climate resilience.

Check out the R2R website

Co-design of a Public Technological Institute to Address Chile’s Climate and Ecological Crisis
Principal Investigator: Eugenia Gayó
Project Year: 2023 – 2024 
Funded by: CORFO

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Support the co-construction process for the design of a Public Technical Institute (ITP), through the development of a Diagnostic and a Strategic Plan to generate and/or strengthen technical, research, development and innovation (R+D+I) capacities, as well as technology and knowledge transfer (TKT) within the STCI System. The co-design of the ITP will allow the provision of public interest goods and services to address the triple crisis (climate, ecological and pollution), aligned with the Climate Change Framework Law (LMCC), the Long-Term Climate Strategy (ECLP) and its implementation means and other country priorities with a sustainable and long-term vision.

ANDEX (Regional Hydroclimatic Program for the Andes)
Principal Investigator: René Garreaud
Project Year:
Funded by: GEWEX 

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The Regional Hydroclimatic Program for the Andes, dependent on the Hydroclimate Panel (GHP) of the Global Energy and Water Exchanges Project (GEWEX), one of the core projects of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). It was created in 2018 with the general objective of improving the understanding and prediction of the climate and hydrology of the Andes Mountain range with the participation of actors from all Andean countries.

Check out the ANDEX website (In spanish)

Territorial Climate Risk and Adaptation Platform (PRACT)
Project Year: 2019
Funded by: Development Bank of Latin America CAF // MESESUP // PUCV

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PRACT aims to provide high-resolution spatial information to inhabitants, decision-makers, and other interested parties and allow them to participate interactively in the design and implementation of climate adaptation in their territories. To facilitate this objective, users can comment and upload photos about the adaptation measures displayed on the map in the Adaptation Monitoring module. On the other hand, in the interactive whiteboard module, a series of tools are provided to facilitate the design and implementation of territorial diagnostics of risk in the face of the impacts of climate change and possible ways to adapt. This can be used by different users and at different territorial scales, being relevant for individual use, neighborhood, and/or municipal organizations, among others.

Check out the PRACT website (In spanish)

Development and implementation of an institutional strengthening program and capacity building at the subnational level in the context of developing a climate-resilient and low-emissions development strategy by 2050

Principal Investigator: Pilar Moraga
Project Year: 2021
Funded by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH. GIZ Office in Chile 

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The project aimed to strengthen the capacities of the Regional Climate Change Committees (CORECC) in climate change management and reflect on the challenges of regional governments in climate public policy towards 2050.

Check out the final PDF document (In spanish)

Drought and Water Security Platform for Watershed Planning: Historical Evolution and Future Trajectories under Global Change
Principal Investigators: Camila Álvarez / Juan Pablo Boisier
Project Year: 2022-2023
Funded by: National Agency for Research and Development (ANID)

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A hydrographic basin management platform that offers data on droughts, climate, soil, and water use and availability, among other things, to support decision-making in the face of droughts and water scarcity in Chile.

Check out more on this topic here

Carbon Neutrality Observatory
Principal Investigators: Maisa Rojas / Susana Bustos
Project Year: 2021 – 2023
Funded by: Scotiabank (Net Zero Research Fund)

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The “Carbon Neutrality Observatory for Chile” is an independent initiative of the University of Chile between the CR2 and the Energy Center, whose main objective is to monitor the level of compliance with the carbon neutrality goal proposed by Chile in its NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution).

Check out the observatory website (In spanish)

Diploma in Climate Action and Municipal Management
Principal Investigator: Bárbara Morales 
Project Year: 2021
Funded by: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 

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This diploma was taught by CR2 researchers and attended by more than 80 municipal officials from across the country, who acquired various tools to integrate climate change into municipal management.

Check out more about the project here (In spanish)

Air Quality: Worldwide Analysis and Forecasting of Atmospheric Composition for Health (AQ WATCH)
Principal Investigator: Nicolás Huneeus
Project Year: 2020-2023
Funded by: European Commission/Research Executive Agency (REA)

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The CR2 is part of the international consortium of this project, which seeks to create innovative products and services to improve air quality forecasting and attribution to support public health and energy sector management in different regions of the world.

Check out the project website

Atmospheric Pollution Prediction in Latin America and the Caribbean (PAPILA)
Principal Investigators: Nicolás Huneeus / Laura Gallardo
Project Year: 2018-2023
Funded by: European Union/Development and Innovation Project, Horizon 2020

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The CR2 integrates the network of European and Latin American institutions involved in this project, which aims to develop a homogeneous air quality forecasting system for Latin American countries.

Check out more about this project here

Regional Climate Simulations for the Antarctic Continent
Principal Investigators: Deniz Bozkurt / Juan Pablo Boisier
Project Year: 2018-2019 
Funded by: Ministry of the Environment

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The project generated climate projections for the Chilean Antarctic territory through mathematical models to support the development of public policies. The information is available on an open and interactive platform.

Check out the Report associated with this project (In spanish)

Black Carbon Mitigation in the Update of Chile’s Nationally Determined Contribution
Principal Investigator: Laura Gallardo
Project Year: 2019-2020
Funded by: United Nations Environment Programme 

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The CR2 supported the Climate Change Office of the Ministry of the Environment in the design, evaluation, and justification of a quantified black carbon reduction target that can be integrated and consistent with the national greenhouse gas reduction target.

Check out more about this project here (In spanish)

Regional Climate Simulations
Principal Investigator: Deniz Bozkurt
Project Year: 2017
Funded by: Ministry of the Environment

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The project generated climate projections for Chile through regional-scale climate modeling. This information contributes to estimating the country’s vulnerability and is available on an interactive platform to support public policy design.

Check out the Report associated with this project (In spanish)

Climate Risk Atlas (ARClim)
Principal Investigators: Rene Garreaud / Susana Bustos
Project Year: 2019-2022
Funded by: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

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This is a project that identifies the potential impacts of climate change on various critical productive sectors to facilitate the development of adaptation measures. The results are displayed on a freely accessible web platform.

Check out the ARClim website (In spanish)

Proposal for a Legal and Institutional Framework to Address Climate Change in Chile
Principal Investigator: Pilar Moraga
Project Year: 2015-2016 
Funded by: Prosperity Fund of the British Embassy in Chile

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A project by the CR2 and Adapt-Chile consisted of diagnosing the need and viability of having a climate change law in Chile and providing the minimum contents of such an institutional framework.

Check out more about this project here (In spanish)