Streamflow response to native forest restoration in former fast-growing Eucalypt forest plantations.

Antonio Lara, Julia Jones, Christian Little & Nicolás Vergara

Principal Investigator:
Antonio Lara, CR2 – Center for Climate and Resilience Research; Laboratorio de Dendrocronología y Cambio Global, Instituto de Conservación, Biodiversidad y Territorio, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y Recursos Naturales, Universidad Austral de Chile.
Universidad Austral de Chile, Campus Isla Teja, Valdivia, Chile.

Data Site Manager:
Francisca Muñoz, (CR)2 – Center for Climate and Resilience Research

Data Source: Data contained in this link was produced by the research reported in the article cited below or by the sources cited on it. Contact the principal investigator(s) for questions concerning data techniques and quality.

This study is the first to test streamflow response to native forest restoration in former fast-growing Eucalypt forest plantations.

Streamflow increased persistently through the first decade of restoration of native forests from planted seedlings and natural regeneration of diverse species.

Projected climate change drying trends in south central Chile indicates restoration of native forests is key for the recovery of streamflow and water provision.

RC11 catchment studied in this article. The figure show the development of the vegetation over time as a result of the ecological restoration process started with the clearcut of the Eucalyptus globulus plantation in 2011.

  • The symbol with the letter “V” shows the position of the weir.

Study site location.

  • (a) The study is located in the Valdivian Coastal Reserve (RCV), on the coast of south central Chile.
  • (b) Experimental catchments located in a landscape which as of 2020 consistedof remnant plantations of non-native Eucalyptus globulus (established in 1999), areas where these plantations were clearcut in 2011 and are under restoration to native forests, native forests in riparian buffers and other land cover classes.

One of the 90° V-notch weirs used to measure and record streamflow in RCV

CITATION – If you use this dataset please cite:
Lara, A., Jones, J., Little, C., & Vergara, N. (2021). Streamflow response to native forest restoration in former Eucalyptus plantations in south central Chile. Hydrological Processes, 35(8), e14270.

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